КТО БУДЕТ ПИСАТЬ ЧУШ ТО Я ЗАБАНЮ Complete the sentences with the Past simple form of the verbs.
1 I read (read) a great book last week.
2 There(be) thousands of people at the concert.
3 Mum and Aunt Isabel (do) judo when they
(be) at school.
4 They (not watch the football match last
night. They (watch) a DVD.
5 We... (visit) the old castle yesterday.
6 1 (wash) Dad's car last weekend. это паст симпл ​

skillet12oz skillet12oz    2   13.02.2021 11:54    0

51Qwerty15 51Qwerty15  15.03.2021 12:03

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1. i readed a great book last week

2. there was thousands of people at the concert

3. Mum and aunt Isabel did judo ehn they was at school

4.they not watched the football match last night. They watched a DVD.

5. we visited the old castle  yesterday.

6. 1 washed dad's car last weekend.

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