Horizontal:3. The genius of the twentieth century, the Nobel Prize winner, author of the poem "Do not leave the room." 4. The author of a classic work on the war of 1812. 5. The inventor of the bulb. 6. Author of the famous play "The Cherry Orchard".
Vertically: 1. Futurist, Russian classic writer. 2. British politician, former British Prime Minister
Фото 1 - незаполненный кроссворд
Фото 2 - кроссворд с ответами
Horizontal:3. The genius of the twentieth century, the Nobel Prize winner, author of the poem "Do not leave the room."
4. The author of a classic work on the war of 1812.
5. The inventor of the bulb. 6. Author of the famous play "The Cherry Orchard".
Vertically: 1. Futurist, Russian classic writer.
2. British politician, former British Prime Minister
1. Mayakovsky
2. Churchill
3. Brodsky
4. Tolstoy
5. Edison
6. Chekhov