Кратко ответить на вопрос : what is there to do in your area for entertainment?

nastya123litvin nastya123litvin    3   23.10.2019 09:48    5

niga2345 niga2345  10.10.2020 08:59
What is there to do in my area for entertainment?
For starters, we’ve got a lovely cinema round the corner. I love going there with my friends after school to watch all the new movies.
Then, we have an arcade two blocks from my building. It’s gets real crowded on weekends, but we still have loads of fun, playing all the games.
Although, my personal favorite has got to be the amusement park. It’s the biggest one in my city, and I live right next door. Well, that’s what I call lucky. I really enjoy riding the roller coasters, and I, sometimes, even sneak out without my parents knowing. Shhh, lets keep that a secret..
asanovaabibe20 asanovaabibe20  10.10.2020 08:59

what is there to do in your area for entertainment?(как ты можешь себя развлечь на территории твоего дома?)-To spend time with pleasure, I usually invite my friends and we do homework and play games together. Sometimes we hang out to our favourite playground.(чтобы провести время весело я обычно приглашаю друзей. мы делаем домашнюю работу и играем. иногда мы ходим на нашу любимую детскую площадку

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