Слон - млекопитающее. Слоны очень большие, старые особи (самцы) достигают веса 5,4 тонн, при росте 2-5 метра. Самки мельче самцов, весят в среднем 2,7 тонн. Слон питается травами и корой деревьев. Пищей для слонов в неволе служат трава и сено. Слоны были приручены и стали использоваться в военных целях впервые в Индии. Слоны опознают себя в зеркальном отражении, что считается признаком самосознания. На наличие хорошей памяти у слонов указывает их отслеживать местонахождение членов своей семейной группы. Очень известен Азиатский слон по кличке "Косик" воспроизводить звуки, похожие на человеческую речь. Всего он имитирует до восьми слов на корейском языке, например «да(네)», «нет(아니오)», «сидеть(앉아)», «лежать за внимание.
The elephant is a mammal. Elephants are very large, old individuals (males) weigh 5.4 tons, with an increase of 2-5 meters. Females are smaller than males, weigh an average of 2.7 tons. The elephant eats grass and tree bark. Food for elephants in captivity are grass and hay. Elephants were domesticated and were used for military purposes for the first time in India. Elephants recognize themselves in the mirror, a sign of identity. The presence of good memory, elephants have indicates their ability to track the whereabouts of members of his family group. A very famous Asian elephant named "Kosik" is able to reproduce sounds similar to human speech. It only simulates up to eight words in the Korean language, such as "Yes(네), no(아니오)", "to sit(앉아)", "lie(누워)". Thank you for your attention.
The elephant is a mammal. Elephants are very large, old individuals (males) weigh 5.4 tons, with an increase of 2-5 meters. Females are smaller than males, weigh an average of 2.7 tons. The elephant eats grass and tree bark. Food for elephants in captivity are grass and hay. Elephants were domesticated and were used for military purposes for the first time in India. Elephants recognize themselves in the mirror, a sign of identity. The presence of good memory, elephants have indicates their ability to track the whereabouts of members of his family group. A very famous Asian elephant named "Kosik" is able to reproduce sounds similar to human speech. It only simulates up to eight words in the Korean language, such as "Yes(네), no(아니오)", "to sit(앉아)", "lie(누워)". Thank you for your attention.