Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 6 класс решить

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. a) I live in Oxford but two years ago I lived with my parents in a small town in the north of England. Now I travel to my home town only when I have holidays. It happens usually in summer because our summer holidays are the longest. In winter my parents come to me and we celebrate Christmas together. But they don’t stay long. My university life starts in January. b) I’m twenty. I’m tall and slim. My hair is fair and curly. I always wear dark suits and white shirts when I work. It’s important to look nice when you work with children. c) Hi! I’m a Londoner. I work in one of the city parks. I’m not young but I always wear jeans. I put on light sweaters in spring. Taking pictures is my profession which I like. d) I’m sixty and I’m rather stout but I was slim and beautiful when I was younger. They say I’m very famous now and people admire my films very much but I don’t think I like the way I look now.
1. Bob, a teacher
2. Jenny, a writer
3. Andy, a student
4. Harry, a photographer
5. Julie, an actress
Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
1. Peter (work/worked/is working) at the moment.
2. Usually I (spend/am spending/will spend) simmer holidays at the seaside.
3. The pupils (play/are playing/will play) chess tomorrow.
4. Last year we (go/went/have gone) abroad.
5. They just (translate/are translating/have translated) a difficult text.
6. My friends usually (have/has) six lessons a day.
7. Jane (doesn’t / don’t) (get up/gets up) at 7 a.m.
8. (Do/does) he always (play /plays) basketball?
9. I (go/ am going) to school at the moment.
10. What (does do) (is doing) she, now?
11. He (take/takes/took) many photos last weekend.
12. We (did not/ don’t) (travel/ travelled) last summer.
13. (Did /do) (live/lived) they in London in 1998?
Закончит во Найди ошибки и исправь их.

Tony read the book at the moment.
I go to the park yesterday.
He have just come from school.
My sister go to her mother every day.
Has you already seen this play?
Next week we go to the USA
Поставьте полученные предложения в отрицательную форму
Задайте во к выделенным словам в предложении.

1. Greg finished repairing his bicycle yesterday.

2. Yesterday Nelly was working at her English from 5 till 7.

3. My sister is in the kitchen.

4. Little Millie is brushing her teeth at the moment.

5. Aunt Pam got a postcard from her cousin two days ago.

6. He writes his parents twice a week.

Закончите предложения, используя слова . cakes oranges juice pepper carrots onions tea flour
1. How many are in the box?
2. How many are in the bag?
3. How much is in the bottle?
4. How much is in my soup?
5. How many are in the fridge?
6. How many are in the house?
7. How much is on the table?
8. How much is in the cake?
Написать письмо другу. 70-80 слов. Начать так:
. Recently my family and I moved to a new flat. I'd like to describe it….

vazirasharipovа vazirasharipovа    2   19.05.2020 16:27    0

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