Контрольная работа. Модуль 9.
1. Match the words (составьте словосочетания)
1. a bottle of…
2. a carton of…
3. a packet of…
4. a piece of…
5. a jar of…
6. a loaf of…
7. a bar of…
a. chocolate…
b. jam
c. olive oil
d. milk
e. crisps
f. cheese
g. bread
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Альфия Каримова
Альфия Каримова сегодня в 11:45
2. Choose the correct word (выберите слово, объясните почему)
1. There isn't some /any coffee in the jar.
2. Bob usually has some /any bacon for breakfast.
3. There aren't much / many eggs left. I'll go buy some.
4. You put too much / many sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.
5. Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, a little/ a few, please.
6. There’re a little/ a few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
7. Is there some /any cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.
8. We haven't got much / many apples left.
9. You don’t need to buy bread. We’ve got a little/ a few loaves of bread.
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Альфия Каримова
Альфия Каримова сегодня в 11:45
Complete the sentences.(заполните пробелы)
1. Finally, the mixture to the first bowl. (добавь)
2. Would you like me to you an egg for your breakfast? (сварить)
3. You the bacon and I'll make the toast. (жарить)
4. Let's a birthday cake for Jack. (печь)
5. Can you the potatoes, please? (чистить)
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Альфия Каримова
Альфия Каримова сегодня в 11:46
4. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous. (в скобках напиши какое это время )например : P.S. или P.C.
1. He (eat) rice every day.
2. I (work) at the moment.
3. They (not / go) to the party tonight.
4. He (not / play) golf on Mondays.
5. (you / study) every night?
6. (Julie / sleep) now?
7. I (not / drink) coffee very often.
8. (he / come) to London often?

5. Translate into English
1. банка меда,
2. кислый лимон
3. сладкая дыня
4. мешок сахара
5. килограмм картошки
6. бутылка воды
7. пачка печенья
8. кусок сыра

6. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple. (Напиши предложения в Past Simple)
1. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. –
1. Yesterday,
2. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. –
1. Yesterday,
3. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. –
1. Yesterday,

mashamasha221 mashamasha221    2   24.04.2020 12:45    36

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