1 dangerous
2 noisy
3 scientific
4 creative
2897212- two million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and twelve
432- four hundred and thirty-two
6015- six thousand and fifteen
7148- seven thousand one hundred and forty-eight
будь внимательным, слова four fourteen и forty одинаково пишется four только в первых двух, в 40 буква u выпадает
1 creative
2 dangerous
3 memorable или unforgettable
4 expensive
5 scientific
1 I enjoy reading this book in the evenings
2 She can't stand swimming and enjoys jogging
3 Have you finished cleaning your room yet?
4 They like walking with their dog in the mornings
1 dangerous
2 noisy
3 scientific
4 creative
2897212- two million eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and twelve
432- four hundred and thirty-two
6015- six thousand and fifteen
7148- seven thousand one hundred and forty-eight
будь внимательным, слова four fourteen и forty одинаково пишется four только в первых двух, в 40 буква u выпадает
1 creative
2 dangerous
3 memorable или unforgettable
4 expensive
5 scientific
1 I enjoy reading this book in the evenings
2 She can't stand swimming and enjoys jogging
3 Have you finished cleaning your room yet?
4 They like walking with their dog in the mornings