Коала – это травоядное сумчатое животное, которое перемещается по веткам деревьев. их ареал обитания – австралийский континент. иногда коалу называют «сумчатым медведем», хотя у этих животных нет ничего общего с медведями. коала – единственный вид животных семейства коаловые. коала в настоящий момент, осталось около 100.000 особей. но это количество постоянно уменьшается по самым разным причинам. поэтому к этим животным стараются относится как можно бережнее. перевод на

Yournick Yournick    2   16.09.2019 10:00    2

0lar3 0lar3  07.10.2020 19:28
The Koala is a herbivorous marsupial animal that moves along tree branches. Their habitat is the Australian continent. Sometimes a koala is called a "marsupial bear", although these animals have nothing in common with bears. Koala is the only species of the Koalov family. Koala At the moment, there are about 100,000 individuals. But this number is constantly decreasing for a variety of reasons. Therefore, these animals are treated as carefully as possible.
Tigrica2017 Tigrica2017  07.10.2020 19:28
The Koala is a herbivorous marsupial animal that moves along tree branches. Their habitat is the Australian continent. Sometimes a koala is called a "marsupial bear", although these animals have nothing in common with bears. Koala is the only species of the Koalov family. Koala At the moment, there are about 100,000 individuals. But this number is constantly decreasing for a variety of reasons. Therefore, these animals are treated as carefully as possible.
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