(knife,snow brush,wind scraper,small shovel,tinned food,drinking water ,first aid kit, sleeping bad,money,tool kit,paper towels,mobile phone,torch) выберите 6 предметов из данных выше и напишите о том ,для чего они могут choose 6 most important objects and write what each object might,must or can be used for

Nr2006 Nr2006    2   03.03.2019 13:40    2

Zarinochka1998 Zarinochka1998  24.05.2020 00:08

We use a knife for cutting meat, vegetables, fruits.

We drink drinking water, thereby quenching our thirst.

We use the money for shopping, for some services, for the transport.

We use mobile phone to always stay in touch.

We use a small shovel to weed plants.

Snow brush designed for cleaning the roads from snow.

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