Kimbolton school i went to school in a large village called kimbolton in the country of cambridgeshire . in recent years i have been reminded of my time there by, strangely enough, the harry porter books by j. k. rowling. the first and most obvious reason is that kimbolton is a castle school; just as hogwarts is the castle school for harry and his friends. hogwarts is of course filled
with ghosts,such as sir nicholas de mimsy porpington - better known as nearly headless nick : but kimbolton also has a reputation for being hauted and in fact lays claim to a very famous ghoust. this is katherine of aragon - the first wife of henry 8. she was sent there in april 1534 after refusing to accept the legality of henry s divorce proceedings. when i arrived there as a first
year in september 1971,i was told that her ghoust was often seen - but only from the knees upwards. this,i was told, was because she walked on the original rather than the later modern floors. i am ashamed to confess that at times we set up "ghostly" tricks to scare our friends. these usually involved almost invisible fishing lines being used to " mysteriously" open and close cupboards
or move chairs. there are other comparisons to be made however. in harry potter’s hogwarts school there are four "houses"; gryfinndor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and the dark house,slytherin. the four houses being named after famous headmasters of hogwarts past. at kimbolton we also had four houses named for the same reason. they were called ingram’s, bailey’s, dawson’s and
gibbard’s. as i recall there were no sinister connotations with any house although probably the slytherin equvalent was gibbard’s. at the time gibbard’s was the house for "day boys" who lived at home and travelled to school each day. the other houses were for the "borders" that lived in the castle. the dayboys were nicknamed " day bugs" and the residents were called "border bugs".
i was a day bug. there were common rooms and detentions which i suppose all schools still have. but few schools, like kimbolton, have narrow, long corridors lined with portraits whose eyes seem to follow you round! mind you - none of our paintings spoke to us as they sometimes do at hogwarts! kimbolton also has a fantastic staircase in the castle and huge murals by the italian rococo
painter pellegrini. apart from the castle, ghousts and houses there were other comparisons to hogwarts. the teachers ( who were called masters) also wore black gowns and addressed us only by our surnames. we pupils had to wear suits and ties to school and actually were not allowed to take our jackets off unless the day was exceptionally hot. but there were some fairly important
differences too. firstly kimbolton, at the time i was there,was a school only for boys. it has changed since, but then we had no hermione grangers to fight against evil with. we played football and cricket rather than quidditch and took ‘o’ levels rather than owls. that is "ordinary" level exams rather than owls. that is "ordinary" level exams rather than " ordinary wizarding
levels". but still, looking back on it all, i have to say that i, at least, thought the place was rather magical. a15. the first similarity between the narrator’s school and hogwarts is that both scools are situated 1) not far from london. 2) in an unusual school building. 3) near a village. 4) far from pupils’ homes. a16. students in kimbolton school believed that 1) katherine of
arogon became a ghoust as henry vlii murdered her. 2) the ghoust could be scared by moving furniture with a fishing line. 3) the ghoust regularly appeared in the castle at midnight. 4) the ghoust could be seen partially, if at all. a17. kimbolton school had four houses that 1) had the same names as houses at hogwarts. 2) got their names as in hogwarts. 3) selected students similary to
hogwarts. 4) had different reputation as at hogwarts. a18. the house the narrator belonged to 1) was the privileged one. 2) had an evil reputation. 3) was similar to other houses. 4) had one particular difference. a 19. the narrator thinks kimboltonwas not like other schools as it had 1) common rooms. 2) a special system of punishments. 3) several houses. 4) a very special kind of decor.
a20. both teachers and students in the narrator’s school 1) had to follow a certain dress code. 2) were dressed in school uniform. 3) were addressed by their surnames. 4) could be compared to the ones in hogwarts. a21. according to the narrator, kimbolton was unlike hogwarts because it 1) used to be a school for boys. 2) had recently become a school for boys. 3) had a different exam
system. 4) taught a different kind of magic.

murenko20061 murenko20061    1   09.03.2019 20:50    64

emin19 emin19  24.05.2020 12:25

A15 - 2)

A16 - 2) либо 4)

A17 - 2)

A18 - 4)

A19 - 4)

A20 - 1) либо 4)

A21 - 1)

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