Каждый день я питаюсь три раза. Весь день я пытаюсь питаться правильно. Утром я выпиваю чашку кофе и съедаю творог со сметаной. Во время школы я могу перекусить шоколадом. Я очень люблю сладкое. Днём я съедаю тушёную курицу с рисом. Вечером я кушаю чаще всего рыбу с брокколи. Также я ем фрукты, например, яблоки, апельсины, бананы.

AvdAda24 AvdAda24    3   06.03.2020 20:26    2

vovaste vovaste  11.10.2020 20:10

I eat three meals a day. I've been trying to eat right all day. In the morning, I drink a Cup of coffee and eat cottage cheese with sour cream. I can eat chocolate during school. I love sweets very much. During the day, I eat stewed chicken with rice. In the evening, I usually eat fish with broccoli. I also eat fruits, such as apples, oranges, and bananas.

bondarevera bondarevera  11.10.2020 20:10
I eat three times everyday. All day I try to eat healthy. In the morning I drink a cup of coffee and eat curd with sour cream. During school I can have a chocolate as a snack. I really love sweets. In the afternoon I eat stewed chicken with rice. In the evening oftentimes I eat a fish with broccoli. Also, I eat fruits, for instance, apples, oranges, and bananas.
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