Каждое предложение содержит слова, которые не подходят по смыслу. замените их, используя те же самые буквы, которые содержит данное слово. 1. giraffe have shorter names than lions 2.would you like to write a saga about your ink? 3.a lot of evil-wisheres come into our file under the evil of friends.

zilola3 zilola3    1   22.08.2019 15:50    2

lizazarandiua lizazarandiua  05.10.2020 12:53

1. Giraffes have shorter names than lions

Giraffes have shorter manes than lions

2.Would you like to write a saga about your ink?

Would you like to write a saga about your kin?

3. A lot of evil-wisheres come into our file under the evil of friends.

A lot of evil-wisheres come into our life under the veil of friends.


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