Какое из изобретений, упомянутых ниже, вы рассматриваете самым важным для человечества? напишите короткий абзац, чтобы объяснить почему. discovering how to make fire creating the written language making the electric bulb inventing the steam engine constructing the nuclear station making nuclear weapons building the spaceship inventing the internet можно использовать выражения: to stimulate the development to speed up the evolution process to register the information to develop industries to improve people's lifestyle to enable people to use / create / etc

Alinka24Alinka Alinka24Alinka    2   17.05.2019 14:30    1

wedh2011 wedh2011  10.06.2020 19:06

The most important invention it a discovering how to make fire.Because this is to stimulate the development of people and it has improved the lives of people.

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