Как поживаете? , хорошо. не хотите ли чашечку кофе? я только что сварила сведий. , с удовольствием. я люблю крепкий кофе без сахарас лимоном. о, впш кофе вкусный! позвольте, я угощу вас пирогом с малиной. чудесный пирог! вы хорошая кулинарка. еще кусочек пирога? нет, . боюсь, что это будет слишком много.

annakostomarova annakostomarova    3   09.06.2019 02:50    7

нас86 нас86  07.07.2020 23:59
Hello, How are you?
Thank you. I`m fine.
Would you like a cup of coffee? I just brewed a fresh coffee.
Thank you, with pleasure. I enjoy strong coffee, without sugar, with lemon.
Oh, your coffe is so delicious!
Let me treat you a cake with raspberries?
Thanks, Your cake is wonderful. You are good cook.
Another piece of the pie?
No, thank you so much, I'm afraid it would be too.
lilpeeprip2 lilpeeprip2  07.07.2020 23:59
Hello, How are you?
Thank you. I`m fine.
Would you like a cup of coffee? I just brewed a fresh coffee.
Thank you, with pleasure. I enjoy strong coffee, without sugar, with lemon.
Oh, your coffe is so delicious!
Let me treat you a cake with raspberries?
Thanks, Your cake is wonderful. You are good cook.
Another piece of the pie?
No, thank you so much, I'm afraid it would be too.
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