Hammerhead sharks.The family hammerhead sharks belong tothe genus 2 with seven species. Hammerhead shark gray sharks areclosely related , but distinct from , as well as all other fish peculiarshape of the head . It strongly flattened down on the sides and has twolarge protuberance on the outer edges of which are located eyes , andsomewhat to the side of them - large nostrils . Such a shape of thefront part of the body facilitates apparently shark maneuvering in avertical plane , and widely spaced holes nasal hammerhead give moreprecise orientation with respect to the source of an odor. They all havea predominantly tropical distribution. Hammerhead sharks - fast, strongswimmers , occurring equally in the coastal zone and in the open waters. Food hammerhead sharks consists of a variety of benthic invertebrates(shrimp , crabs , clams ) , fish ( herring , mackerel ) , squid. In thestomachs of large individuals often find stingrays and sharks ,including their fellow species. Hammerhead shark reproduce byyaytsezhivorozhdeniya or live birth . The female one hatching brings indifferent species from 6 - 9 to 30 - 40 pups , and babies akulyatasimilar in all proportions with adult individuals , have a length of 45 -50 cm Large hammerhead sharks pose a significant risk to people in thewater .