Как читается текст по например(грит британ и т д) great britain attracts a big number of tourists in that is the special political system, which exists in this country, as you know, in great britain there is a queen – elizabeth ii. the political system is called the constitutional monarchy. in addition, there is another special feature of this state – it does not have such a document as the constitution, instead of it exists a very special set of rules, which every citizen of great britain should follow. the parliament in the country consists of three parts. it is the monarch, the house of the lords and the house of the common. great britain beautiful country is an is very interesting and unique place to visit

socnyjarbuz socnyjarbuz    1   18.08.2019 15:40    1

bolll4 bolll4  05.10.2020 03:04
Грейт ˈбритн эˈтрэктс э биг ˈнамбэр ов ˈтуэристс ин зэт из зэ ˈспешэл пэˈлитикэл ˈсистим, уич игˈзистс ин зис ˈкантри, эзю ноу, ин грейт ˈбритн зеэр из э куин – иˈлизэбэс ай-ай. зэ пэˈлитикэл ˈсистим из колд зэ ˌконстиˈтьюшэнл ˈмонэки. инэˈдишэн, зеэр из эˈназэ ˈспешэл ˈфичэр ов зис стейт – ит даз нот хэв сач э ˈдокьюмэнт эз зэ ˌконстиˈтьюшэн, инˈстед овит игˈзистс э ˈвери ˈспешэл сет ов рулз, уич ˈеври ˈситизн ов грейт ˈбритн шуд ˈфолоу. зэ ˈпалэмэнт ин зэ ˈкантрикэнˈсистс ов сри патс. ит из зэ ˈмонэк, зэ хaус ов зэ лодз энд зэ хaус ов зэ ˈкомэн. грейт ˈбритн ˈбьютэфул ˈкантри из эниз ˈвери ˈинтристин энд юˈник плейс ту ˈвизит
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