Как читаеться текс? : every month across the world celebrate hundreds of festivals. they are often associated with the celebration of certain holidays such as new year, st. patrick's day, carnival, mother's day, may day, children's day, halloween, etc. there are also some festivals that are not associated with common holidays that are celebrated but fun in some countries. for example, songkran - the thai new year, la tomatina, oktoberfest, glastonbury festival, guy fawkes night, notting hill carnival, holi. i think anyone would be happy to participate in such festivals. as for me, i would like to visit the notting hill carnival and holi. these two festivals are so different from those that we celebrate every year. the notting hill carnival is a street carnival, which takes place in england in late august. it is named after the london district where it is conducted. this festival has been celebrated since 1966 and was inspired by african immigrants. notting hill carnival lasts several days, and it