Как часто вы встречаетесь с друзьями в кафе? какого рода вещи вы говорите? какие другие вещи вы любите делать с друзьями? напишите ему письмо и ответьте на его вопросы, пиши 110-120 слов письмо на .яз

moda712 moda712    2   01.09.2019 01:20    2

trototil trototil  10.08.2020 07:19
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your letter, I was very happy when I got it. I like very much to go to the cafe with my friends. We go to the cafe on Friday. We discuss popular music, books and sports news. Sometimes we talk about our hobbies and  about success in education. We like to go to the cinema and watch thrillers together. We go to the bowling every Sunday. Also we like to go to the swimming pool. Sometimes we go to the museum or go for a walk to the park. What about you and your friends? Where do you like to go with your friends? What kind of sports do you prefer? Do you like thrillers?  I will be waiting for your reply.
With best wishes, твое Имя
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