Как бы вы объяснили эти факты о иностранцу? 1.почему строят такие колоссальные вещи как храм хри- ста кремлевский дворец съездов, гостиница «россия» и памятник в волгограде? 2.почему не подстригают траву, кусты и деревья на ули- цах и даже в парках? 3.почему у так популярны зимние посиделки? 4.почему часто собираются вокруг самовара по праздни- кам или когда к ним приходят гости? 5.почему мужчины в россии носят шапки, а женщины платки да- же летом? 6.почему снимают обувь, оставляя ее за дверью? если можно отвечайте на !

KESALIVE KESALIVE    2   24.05.2019 00:00    6

stylestudionmovp557 stylestudionmovp557  19.06.2020 19:47
1.Russian people build such colossal buildings and monuments to perpetuate memorable events and to show respect and honour to the people who perform heroic actions.
2.In many houses in Russia there is no lawn to cut it . Our people often have the front garden with many beautiful flowers.
3. Winter is a cold season. You don't want to leave your house and go outside. So it is the best time to have a tea and talk with your friends.
4.It is an old Russian tradition. This tradition helps us to gather together and have a good time. It symbolizes unity and friendship. Russian people show their hospitality so.
5. The climate in Russia is severe and cold. That's why people wear warm headdresses even in summer.
6.Russian people take off their shoes before entering the house because our streets are not as clean and tidy as in other foreign countries. There are special washing machines on the streets there . So they don't take off their shoes inside their houses.
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