Как будет на 106,138,202,534,1007,1012,509,100,000,1.000.000

missanna00 missanna00    3   03.07.2019 12:00    1

ГрознаяВафля ГрознаяВафля  02.10.2020 19:09
One hundred and six; one hundred and thirty eight; two hundred and two; five hundred and thirty four; one thousand and seven; one thousand and twelve; five hundred and nine; one hundred thousand; million.
roden13 roden13  02.10.2020 19:09
One hundred and six - 106
One hundred thirty eight - 138
Two hundred and two - 202
Five hundred thirty four - 534
One thousand and seven - 1007
One hundred and twelve 1012
Five hundred and nine 509
One thousand 1.000
One million 1.000.000

Вроде так.
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