К предложению Bob drinks juice in the cafe составить 5 типов во

лера2042 лера2042    3   13.04.2020 19:13    1

иван1141 иван1141  13.10.2020 04:45

Bob drinks juice in the cafe.

Общий: Does Bob drink juice in the cafe?

разделительный: Bob drinks juice in the cafe, doesn't he?

альтернативный: Does Bob drink juice or coffee in the cafe?

специальный: What does Bob drink in the cafe?

                или Where does Bob drink juice?

к подлежащему: Who drinks juice in the cafe?

Katesinful Katesinful  13.10.2020 04:45

1. What does Bob drink in a cafe?

2. Where Bob drinks juice?

3. Who drinks juice in a cafe?

4. When does Bob drink juice in a cafe?

5. Which cafe Bob drinks juice at?