Jurassic Fossil Discovery A 150-million-year-old fossilised skull belonging to a creature calle
a pliosaur has been unearthed (16)
While dinosaurs roamed the land, pliosaurs (17) . These gian
crocodile-shaped creatures were fearsome hunters, their immense jaws an
razor-sharp teeth made easy work of passing prey. Now an 8-feet-long sku
has been found in Dorset (18)
And scientists say it could be one
the biggest ever found, belonging to a creature that would have measured u
Palaeontologist Richard Forrest has been examining the specimen
Richard Forrest: «To get a whole skull like this is like Christmas and Easte
and everything rolled into one, because we actually can see, yes, this really w
an absolutely enormous animal, and realistically, probably (20)
The fossilised skull has now been bought by Dorset County Council usin
Heritage Lottery Funds. They plan to eventually put it (21)
A the most powerful predator that ever lived
B along the Jurassic Coast in Dorset in England
C get hot water backg
D terrorized the oceans to
E on public display
F to 50 feet long
G not to remember
H by a local fossil collector

kosmoz2005 kosmoz2005    3   20.04.2021 13:59    0

sanyok505 sanyok505  20.04.2021 14:00




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