Jse of English. Task 3. Write the sentences in Reported Speech 7. She said; i lave you closed the door?" 8. He said: "Where were you yesterday?"

9. She asked: "When is the next bus going to arrive?"

соныч соныч    2   30.05.2023 06:30    4

крабик0507059 крабик0507059  30.05.2023 06:31

7) She asked if I had closed the door.

8) He asked where I had been yesterday.

9) She asked when the next bus was going to arrive.en the next bus was going to arrive.

Søphia Søphia  30.05.2023 06:31

7) She asked if I had closed the door.

8) He asked where I had been yesterday.

9) She asked when the next bus was going to arrive.en the next bus was going to arrive.

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