Joining arguments (for and against): Linking words
To introduce points: Firstly/ To begin with
To add more points: Secondly/What is more/Furthermore/In addition/Besides/ To make contrasting points: However/On the other hand
Good and bad points of studying multiple school subjects
• make us/me smarter
• develop our/my mind and imagination
• prepare for adult life
• let us understand what we really like,
what we want to become
• prepare to get into a good university
• teach unique skills
• let us expand our knowledge
• make us/me get up early in the morning
• make me/us tired (exhausted)
• make me/us study many extra subjects
• make me/us do a lot of HW
• make me/us have many tests
• give me/us too much pressure
• stress me/us out
• overloaded
To begin with, studying multiple subjects makes us/me smarter and let us/me expand
our/my knowledge in different fields. What is more, it can help us/me to understand what we/I really like and what we/I want to be.! (add info about your fav subject(s) or subjects you find useful and necessary and future plans)
On the other hand, preparing for classes and doing home work long hours gives us/me too much pressure and makes us/me exhausted. Besides, it’s doubtful whether we/I need so much knowledge for adult life.!(write about subjects you find unnecessary and useless if any)
One of the main advantages of having multiple school subjects is that it makes us
smarter. Furthermore, ...
However there are disadvantages to studying multiple school subjects. Firstly, ... . In
addition to this, ... . C.
There are many advantages to studying multiple school subjects. To begin with, ... . Besides, ...
However, having a lot of different classes has a number of disadvantages(drawbacks). Firstly, ...