Извините что так мало балов 1 Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use. Computer Science, passengers, permission, lift, conclusion, invented, scientific. management. 1. The police came to the that it wasn't the accountant who had stolen the money. 2. In this laboratory students perform a_project. 3. I'm interested in 4. Susan asked for 5. Charles Babbage 6. The experiment showed that air could because I like learning about the way computers work. to leave early. the computer. the craft off the ground.
2 Write the field of science
1. The study of human relationships. 2. A field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants. 3. The study of the function of the human body. 4. The study of the mind and how it influences people's behaviour. 5. The study of natural environment.
3 Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use. Uniform, applied, science, presented, lift, Psychology, refer, perform Hot air can paper. 1. 2 She graduated from the university where she studied .. 3. Does your mother wear a ? She is a cashier. experiments using animals. that studies the reasons for people's behavior. the first hot-air balloon. 4. Many people believe that seientists shouldn't 5. Sociology is a social 6. Joseph Montgolfier
4 Write the field of science 1. The study of how computers work. 2. The study of the events in the past. 3. The study of how governments work. 4. The study which focuses on health or health care. 5. The social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Zyherpopentruher007 Zyherpopentruher007    3   13.12.2021 12:15    3

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