Измените следующие предложения, употребив глаголы в форме страдательного залога 1. they are raising labour efficiency by means of new machinery 1. они повышают эффективность труда с новой техники 2. they have raised labour efficiency by means of new machinery. 2. они повысили эффективность труда с новой техники. 3. the government policy is changing economic conditions in the region. 3. политика правительства меняет условия в регионе. 4. the economists are studying the distribution of labour force in the country. 4. изучают распределение рабочей силы в стране. 5. they have bought new equipment. 5. они купили новое оборудование. 6. demand and supply influence prices of goods. спрос и предложение влияют на цены товаров. 7. japan produces a variety of electronic equipment. 7. япония производит разнообразное электронное оборудование. 8. they are developing a new technology to use less oil. они разрабатывают новую технологию для использования меньше нефти. 9. they are analyzing natural conditions of the region. они анализируют природные условия региона. 10. the company has increased prices of its goods. компания увеличила цены на свои товары 11. under conditions of competition companies are introducing new better products. в условиях конкуренции компании внедряют новые лучшие продукты.

kirillp02 kirillp02    1   03.09.2019 07:50    2

Inna21032002 Inna21032002  06.10.2020 14:13
1. Labour efficiency is being raised by means of new machinery (by them)
2. Labour efficiency has been raised by means of new machinery (by them)
3. Economic conditions are being changed in the region by the government policy
4. The distribution of labour force in the country is being studied by the economists
5. New equipment has been bought by them
6. Prices of goods are influenced by demand and supply
7. A variety of electronic equipment is produced by Japan
8. A new technology is being developped to use less oil
9. Natural conditions of the region are being analyzed by them
10. Prices of its goods have been increased by the company
11. New better products are being introduced under conditions of competition by companies
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