Измените предложения, используя инфинитивные конструкции:
1. he saw that the solution had changed its colour.
2. it is unlikely that your theory will work in practice.
3. the university installed new equipment in the laboratory so that the researchere could cany out more tests without leaving the faculty.
4. it was reported that the research was showing positive results.
5. it is vital that all the safety rules should be observed during the experiment.​

butterfly31 butterfly31    1   13.12.2019 02:23    2

ЗНАНИЯ88 ЗНАНИЯ88  10.10.2020 20:22

1. His solution had been changed the colour

2. The theory will be worked in prectice unlikely

3. A new equipment was installed in the labaratory and the tests are not able to be carried from the facility

4. The research was reported that the results were shown positive

5. It is important that all safety rules are observed during the experiment


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