Из данных слов составьте предложения, помните, в предложении на английском языке на I месте стоит подлежащее, на II сказуемое, на III дополнение, на IV обстоятельство.
1. body, the, human study, we, anatomy, in.
2. limbs (extremities), the, parts, are, the, head, trunk, parts, body, human, are, of, principal, the.
3. Upper, lower, are, there, and, extremities, arms, legs, and.
4. Head, the ,two, consists, of, parts, skull, face, and, the.
5. Contains, brain, the, skull, the.
6. of, forehead, the, face, eyes, consists, the nose, mouth, lips, with, and lower, upper, cheeks, and chin the, ears.
7. ear, external, the, middle, internal, the, includes parts, principal, three, the ear, and.
8. a, and, palate, tongue, a teeth, gums, are, mouth, the, in, three.
9. neck, trunk, the, to, with, is, the, head, connected.
10. chest, the, is, trunk, the, of, part, upper, the.
11. organs, the, in, chest, principal, the, heart, lungs, the, gullet (esophagus), the, are.
12. bladder, the, gall-bladder, kidneys, intestines, spleen, liver, are, stomach, principal, the, in, cavity, abdominal, organs.
13. skeleton, called, the, bones, of, framework, the, is.
14. supports, protects, and, parts, soft, organs, injury, from, skeleton, the, and.
15. muscles, covered, are, with, bones, the.
16. the, shoulder, to, chest, the, with, connected, extremity, is, upper, the.
17. the, of, arm, upper, forearm, elbow, wrist, hand, the and, consists, the.
18. hand, each, on, thumb, and, a, fingers, four, have, we.
19 .the foot, and, ankle, the, calf, knee, the, hip, the, consists, of, the(leg), lower, extremity.
20. skin, with, body, the, covered, is.