Из активного залога в пассивный из активного залога в пассивный : 1) you should stop these women. 2)pupils must learn this poem by heart. 3)you can't buy such tickets. 4)we must visit granny at the hospital. 5)you could easily expain these rules. 6)you should sell the old tv set.

жапрожак1 жапрожак1    3   31.05.2019 02:00    2

Роксолана123456789 Роксолана123456789  01.07.2020 11:58
1. These women should be stopped.
2. This poem must be learnt by heart. 
3. Such tickets can't be bought.
4. Granny must be visited at the hospital.
5. These rules can be easily explained.
6. The old TV-set should be sold.
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