Ix. finish the sentences: 1. we shall cross the street when the green 2. will take you only 10 minutes if the metro. 3. you’ll be late if hurry. 4. we’ll have dinner as soon as it ready. 5. you’ll haw a good time if you to the sea coast. 6. i’ll know something about london after i a trip there. 7. he’ll send us a letter when 8.they’ll buy the house if . 9. i’ll ask a policeman in the street if 10. we’ll buy a guide book before

5Августина5 5Августина5    1   24.08.2019 10:30    30

Дашуточка2005 Дашуточка2005  09.08.2020 18:55
. We shall cross the street when the green light is on 2. It
will take you only 10 minutes if you go by the metro. 3. You’ll
be late if you will not hurry. 4. We’ll have dinner as soon as it is
ready. 5. You’ll haw a good time if you go to the sea coast.
6. I’ll know something about London after I will go on a trip there.
7. He’ll send us a letter when he is ready 8.They’ll buy the house if
they have enough money. 9. I’ll ask a policeman in the street if I will get lost 10. we’ll buy a
guide book before visiting another city.
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