IVENTORS AND INVENTIONS New Inventions are appearing every day and make our life easter, longer, warmer and so on. But
only a few inventors design a new machine or a product that becomes so well-known that the
invention, named after its creator, becomes a household word. Here are the names of some of
Rudolf Diesel The German engineer who invented the Diesel engine in 1897 and so began a
transport revolution in cars, lorries and trains
Hans Wilhelm Geiger. The German physicist who designed a counter for detecting radioactivity
in 1908-1909 This was the beginning of modern Geigera (Geiger counters).
In 1895 a well-known German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays which we
usually call Roentgen rays. He named them in such a way because of their mysterious nature. X-
rays are widely used in medicine, different branches of science and technology
Do you know that until just over a hundred years ago there was no such an instrument as the
saxophone? It was invented by a Belgian musician Adolph Sax in 1842. The saxophone was very
successful and is often played today, especially in bands, but the other new musical instruments
which Sax invented were less popular and are hardly ever heard today.
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Activity 7. Answer the questions in writing,
< Назад
1. What makes our life easier, longer and warmer?
2. What is Rudolf Diesel famous for?
3. What did Hans Wilhelm Geiger design in 1908-1909?
4. What was Wilhelm Roentgen?
5. Where are X-rays widely used?
6. What was invented by Adolphe Sax in 1842?

Vanek041005 Vanek041005    3   27.04.2021 14:15    31

ayakabdadhev ayakabdadhev  27.04.2021 14:20

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