Iv. употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках. 1. (наша) flat is on the fifth floor. a) us; b) our; c) their; d) her 2. nick is helping (своему) friend with his english. a) her; b) his; c) their; d) him 3. what is (его) father? a) her; b) his; c) my; d) their 4. where are (ее) parents? a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its 5. they are busy with (своими) lessons. a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its 6. this is (их) fiat. a) their; b) its; c) her; d) his 7. what colour are the walls in that room? (ее) walls are grey. a) her; b) its: ; c) his; d) their 8. (мои) parents are young. a) his; b) my; c) her; d) our 9. (наша) flat has five rooms. a) my; b) his; c) their; d) our 10. this is a chemical laboratory. (её) equipment is new. a) her; b) it; c) its.

Lego40 Lego40    3   18.09.2019 03:20    2

00012333334 00012333334  10.09.2020 11:09
1. Our flat is on the fifth floor. 
2. Nick is helping his friend with his English.
3. What is his father?
4.Where are her parents?
5. They are busy with their lessons.
6. This is their fiat.
7. What colour are the walls in that room? its walls are grey.
8. My parents are young.
9. Our flat has five rooms.
10. This is a chemical laboratory. Its equipment is new.
87773214015 87773214015  10.09.2020 11:09
Our flat is on the fifth floor. Наша квартира на 5 этаже.
Nick is helping his friend with his English.Ник своему другу с англ. языком.
What is his father? Кто его отец?
Where are her parents? Где её родители?
They are busy with their lessons. Они заняты их уроками.
This is their flat. Это их квартира.
What colour are the walls in that room? Its  walls are grey. Какого цвета обои  в этой комнате? Они серого цвета.
My parents are young. Мои родители молодые.
Our flat has five rooms. В нашей квартире 5 комнат.
This is a chemical laboratory. Its equipment is new. Это хим. лаборатория. Инвентарь новый.
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