Iv. сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. переведите предложения. 1. the farm bought three combine-harvesters last year. 2. it is cold for banana trees in siberia. 3. plants use sunlight and make their food. 4. we can use corn for silage. 5. the students have visited a milk-producing farm.

malaya108 malaya108    1   20.07.2019 23:00    0

00Лисичка00 00Лисичка00  22.09.2020 23:55
1. Ферма купила 3 зерноуборочных комбайна в году. The farm didn't buy three combine-harvesters last year. Did the farm buy three combine-harvesters last year? 2. В Сибири холодно для банановых деревьев. It is not cold for banan trees in Siberia. Is it cold for banan trees in Siberia? 3. Растения используют солнечный свет и делают пищу. Plants don't use sunlight and don't make their food. Do plants use sunlight and make their food? 4.Мы можем использовать кукуруза для силуса. We cannot use corn for silage. Can we ude corn for silage? 5. Ученики посетили молочную ферму. The studens have not visited milk-producing farm. Have the students visited milk-producing farm?
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