Iv. make the sentences passive: example: we buy fruit in shops. – fruit is bought in shops. 1. they built a lot of beautiful shops nowadays. 2. we wash dishes twice a day. 3. we bake cookies every sunday. 4. they make cream from milk. 5. in our office they report new information every morning. 6. they speak different languages in this publishing house. 7. you spell this word incorrectly. 8. they always turn off the tv after 9 p.m.

Nika75556 Nika75556    1   16.08.2019 22:30    7

приветки1 приветки1  04.10.2020 23:35
1. Construct a lot of nice shops now.2. Dishes washed twice a day.3. Pechevo baked every Sunday.4. The cream is made from milk5. In our office reported new information every morning.6. This publishing speak different languages.7. spell the word correctly.8. Always vymykayty TV after 9 pm
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