. Iusually cotton clothes. a) wear b) am wearing c) wears 2. He … a funny story because everybody was laughing, a) tell b) told c) was telling
3. Dad often … us stories belore sleeping, a) tell b) tells c) was telling
4. He … soccer since his childhood. a) plays b) has played c) played
5. He … a shop assistant before he started his own business.
a) has worked b) worked c) had worked …
you going to be a lawyer in future? a) am b) is c) are
7. I think I … in the media in future. a) work b) will work c) works
8. Ifanimals are not protected, most of them … not survive, a) will b) are c) will be
9. You … try this dish. It's very tasty. a) must b) can c) might
10. This sculpture … ofstone. a) made b) makes c) is made

ера2009 ера2009    1   11.09.2021 22:02    0

20Bella04 20Bella04  11.09.2021 22:10

1. A) wear

2. B) told

3. B) tells

4. B) has played

5. A) has worked

6. C) are

7. B) will work

8. A) will

9. A) must

10. C) is made

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