Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку
1.Вставь пропущенные буквы в алфавит :
A , B , C , D , E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P , Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
2. Вставь в предложения глаголы AM, IS, ARE.
1. I Mary.
2. She from London.
3. They from Rome.
4. You happy.
5. It a rose.
6. Ben 9.
7. Ken and Tom pilots.
3. Составь и напиши во из этих частей.
1. Are / you / a pilot/ a cook/ or?
2. or/ they / Are / in Paris / in Rome?
3. or / she / 8/ Is / 7 ?
4. We/ Are / sad /happy / or ?
5. is / What / it?
4. Замени подчеркнутые слова местоимениями he, she, it, they, we.
1. Mary is a good student.
2. Nick is from London.
3. The fox is red.
4. Tim and I are happy.
5. Olga and Mike are from Tambov.
5. В каждой строчке вычеркни лишнее слово:
1. red, blue, black, rose, green.
2. fly, cat, dog, kid, pig, horse
3. apple, lemon, frog, grapes, banana

tokio272 tokio272    1   20.05.2020 22:11    48

Fuvhrcsghinm Fuvhrcsghinm  24.08.2020 20:19


1. am

2. is

3. are

4. are

5. is

6. is

7. are


1. Are you a pilot or a cook?

2. Are they in Paris or in Rome?

3. Is she 7 or 8?

4. Are we sad or happy?

5. What is it?


1. She is a good student.

2. He is from London.

3. It is red.

4. We are happy.

5. They are from Tambov.


1. rose

2. kid

3. frog

глеб380 глеб380  24.08.2020 20:19


1 am

2 is

3 are

4 are

5 is

6 is

7 are


1 Are you a pilot or a cook?

2 Are they in Paris or in Rome?

3 Is she 8 or 7?

4 Are we sad or happy?

5 What is it?


1 Mary=She

2 Nick=He

3 fox=it

4 Tim and I= they

5 Olga and Mike= They

1 rose

2 kid

3 frog

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