Исправьте ошибки в следующих высказываниях. Постройте предложения по модели, используя подсказки в скобках.

Модель: Offenders obey laws, (break) - Offenders don't obey laws. They break them.

The court makes laws, (apply) - The court doesn't make laws. It applies them.

It is my property, (my parents') - (It isn't mv property. It is my parents' property.

1. Law-abiding citizens break laws, (obey) – They obey them. Law-abiding citizens do not break laws.

2. I'm interested in constitutional law. (international) – I’m interested in constitutional law. I’m interested in international law.

3. The police punish offenders, (prisons) – The police doesn’t punish offenders. It puts them in prisons.

4. Offenders behave well, (in anti-social ways) – Offenders don’t behave well. The are anti-social ways

5. The Civil Code (Гражданский кодекс) establishes the system of government. (the constitution) – The Civil Code doesn’t establishes the system of govement. He establish the system of constitution.

6. Judges enforce moral laws. (state) - Judges don’t’s enforce moral law. They enforce moral law state.

7. The constitution lays down the forms of punishment, (rights and duties of citizens) – The constitution doesn’t lays down the form of punishment. It lays down the rights and duties of citizens.

8. The president is above the law. (under) – The president is not above the law. Ye is under the law.

9. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is situated in Moscow. (St. Petersburg) – The Constitutional Court of Russian Federation is situated in Moscow. It’s situated in St. Peterburg.

10. Offenders are usually peaceful and quiet, (aggressive and violent) – Offenders are usually not peaceful and guilt. They are usually aggressive and violent.

11. He steals money, (mobile phones) – He doesn’t money. He stealy mobile phones.

12. This decision establishes a new legal structure, (principle) – This decision doesn’t establishes a new legal structure. It establishes a new legal principle.

13. Judges catch and arrest offenders, (police) – Judges are not catch and arrest offenders. Police catch and arrest offenders.

14. The main aim of the law is to deter (устрашать) people, (protect) – The main aim of law isn’t deter people. The main aim of the law is to protect people.

15. The law guarantees our happiness, (security) – The law doesn’t guarantees our happiness. It guarantees our security.

вовчик83 вовчик83    2   10.03.2021 16:22    239

lkivaka lkivaka  26.01.2024 12:06
1. Предложение: Law-abiding citizens obey laws. They don't break them. (Граждане, соблюдающие законы, следуют законам. Они их не нарушают.)
2. Предложение: I'm interested in constitutional law. I'm interested in international law. (Меня интересует конституционное право. Меня интересует международное право.)
3. Предложение: The police punishes offenders. It doesn't put them in prisons. (Полиция наказывает правонарушителей. Она не помещает их в тюрьмы.)
4. Предложение: Offenders don't behave well. They engage in anti-social ways. (Правонарушители не ведут себя хорошо. Они проявляют антиобщественное поведение.)
5. Предложение: The Civil Code doesn't establish the system of government. It establishes the system of the constitution. (Гражданский кодекс не устанавливает систему правительства. Он устанавливает систему конституции.)
6. Предложение: Judges don't enforce moral law. They enforce state moral law. (Судьи не осуществляют принуждение морального закона. Они осуществляют принуждение морального закона государства.)
7. Предложение: The constitution doesn't lay down the form of punishment. It lays down the rights and duties of citizens. (Конституция не устанавливает форму наказания. Она устанавливает права и обязанности граждан.)
8. Предложение: The president is not above the law. He is under the law. (Президент не стоит выше закона. Он подчиняется закону.)
9. Предложение: The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is situated in Moscow. It is situated in St. Petersburg. (Конституционный суд Российской Федерации расположен в Москве. Он расположен в Санкт-Петербурге.)
10. Предложение: Offenders are usually not peaceful and quiet. They are usually aggressive and violent. (Правонарушители обычно не мирные и спокойные. Они обычно агрессивные и насильственные.)
11. Предложение: He doesn't steal money. He steals mobile phones. (Он не крадет деньги. Он крадет мобильные телефоны.)
12. Предложение: This decision doesn't establish a new legal structure. It establishes a new legal principle. (Это решение не устанавливает новую юридическую структуру. Оно устанавливает новый юридический принцип.)
13. Предложение: Judges don't catch and arrest offenders. Police catch and arrest offenders. (Судьи не ловят и не арестовывают правонарушителей. Полиция ловит и арестовывает правонарушителей.)
14. Предложение: The main aim of law isn't to deter people. The main aim of the law is to protect people. (Основная цель закона не состоит в устрашении людей. Основная цель закона заключается в защите людей.)
15. Предложение: The law doesn't guarantee our happiness. It guarantees our security. (Закон не гарантирует наше счастье. Он гарантирует нашу безопасность.)
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