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Ex. I Correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. I was playing tennis every weekend when I was younger.
2. I had told you about the problem a week ago.
3. I didn't know you worked for this company for 2 years.
4. They lived abroad when the war broke out.
5. I met her at the station while I waited for my flight.
6. We were spending all our holidays at the sea when we were children.
7. How long were you living in Oxford when you were a student?
8. My boss left the office when the fax arrived so he didn't receive it.
9. John arrived when the meeting already started.
10. We couldn't go to the meeting because we took a visitor on a tour.
11. We were dating for a year when he asked me to marry him.
1. I played tennis every weekend when I was younger.
2. I told you about the problem a week ago.
3. I didn't know you had worked/had been working for this company for 2 years.
4. They were living abroad when the war broke out.
5. I met her at the station while I was waiting for my flight.
6. We spent all our holidays at the sea when we were children.
7. How long did you live in Oxford when you were a student?
8. My boss had left the office when the fax arrived so he didn't receive it.
9. John arrived when the meeting had already started.
10. We couldn't go to the meeting because we were taking a visitor on a tour.
11. We had been dating for a year when he asked me to marry him.