Исправить ошибки при переводе я хочу поступить в институт, потому что это позволит мне получить высокооплачиваемую и интересную работу в будущем. вы написали, что идете на трехдневную поездку на велосипеде. куда вы поедете? почему вы решили поехать на велосипеде? мой брат может поехать с вами? i want to go to college because that allows me to get the highly paid and interesting job in future. you wrote that you are going on a three-day bicycle trip. where are you go? why did you decide to go on a bike? can my brother go with you?

katwyn katwyn    2   30.07.2019 17:00    1

rahcheeva81 rahcheeva81  28.09.2020 01:57

I want to enter the institute, because higher education helps me to get highly paid and interesting job in the  future.
You wrote that you were going on a three-day bicycle trip. Where are you going? Why did you decide to travel on a bicycle? Can my brother go with you?

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