Исправь пунктуационные ошибки поставь нужный знак препинания. 1.what's this. 2.where's daddy. 3.she's in the bath? 4.i he in the bedroom. 5.this is my bedbedroom? 6.how old are you. 7.happy birthday? 8.what's your favourite food.

bemasmile2004 bemasmile2004    3   19.07.2019 04:50    6

gree04 gree04  22.09.2020 09:58
1. What's this?
2. Where's Daddy?
3. She's in the bath.
4. I am in the bedroom.
5. This is my bedroom.
6. How old are you?
7. Happy birthday!
8. What's your favourite food?
nadiamandrik23 nadiamandrik23  22.09.2020 09:58
What's this?
Where's daddy?
She's in the bath.
 Is he in the bedroom?
This is my bedroom. How old are you?
happy birthday!
What's your favourite food?
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