Используйте правильную часть речи: 1. the king was … (poison). 2. helen doesn’t know how to say about it. she is so … (decide). 3. the children … (hatred) porridge. 4. mind (следи) your … (behave). 5. the police wanted to know who … (murderous) the man. 6. why are you so …(anger) with me? 7. my granny is still … (live). her … (live) was very interesting. 8. when i cut my finger i had a great … (painful). 9. don’t … (hesitation)! take this dress.\ 10. when did shakespeare … (dead)? 11. when i came home late my mother was … (suspect). 12. pete didn’t pass his exam and now he is in…(depress). 13. your words seem very … (offend). 14. his mother’s behavior filled hamlet with … (angry). 15. it was a … (murder) story. 16. leonardo di caprio has become a … actor (success). 17. we prepared a …for her birthday (surprised). 18. emeline pankhurst made her famous … in trafalgar square (speak). 19. my granny is … (live) but my grandfather is … (die). 20. my mother gets … if i don’t do my room (anger). 21. everybody calls jane … (strangely). 22. i want to live an … life (act). 23. some mushrooms are really … (poison). 24. if you don’t believe someone you become (suspect). 25. she didn’t have a good sleep, her tooth was so … (pain). 26. people who lack (не хватает) some physical abilities are called … (able). 27. the film was extremely … (bore). 28. i couldn’t get on the bus because it was … (crowd). 29. are you … in sports? (interest) 30. you are right, you’ve made the right …(decide). 31. we felt so … after the trip (tiredness). 32. where is this hotel (locate)? 33. mind your … (behave)! 34. love easily turns into … (hate). 35. rita has never … any exam (fail)!

lemenukillya lemenukillya    1   18.09.2019 05:02    2

ali6619 ali6619  07.10.2020 23:18
1. poisoned
2. indecisive
3. hate
4. behavior
5. murdered
6. angry
7. alive; life
8. pain
9. hesitate
10. die
11. suspicious
12. depression
13. offended
14. anger
15. murder
16. successful
17. surprise
18. speech
19. alive; dead
20. angry
21. strangely
22. active
23. poisonous
24. suspicious
25. painful
26. disabled
27. boring
28. crowded
29. interested
30. decision
31. tired
32. located
33. behavior
34. hate
35. failed
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