Используя словосочетания из рамки, расскажи о том, что ты: 1) уме-
ешь делать, но не очень хорошо, 2) умеешь делать достаточно хорошо
и 3) совсем не умеешь делать.
to drive a car (a bus, a tram); to ride a bicycle (a horse,
a camel); to cook dinner (breakfast, supper); to make tea
(coffee); to take photographs; to use a computer; to use the
Internet; to speak English (French, German); to play football
(basketball, tennis, volleyball); to take care of dogs (cats,
snakes, scorpions); to write rhymes (compositions, articles)
Example: I can drive a car, but I can't drive it very well. I can
ride a bicycle quite well, but I can't ride a camel at all.
at all --- совсем (с отрицанием)
quite well -- достаточно хорошо
to take photographs – фотографировать