Is the gerund or infinitive used correctly in each sentence? If not, rewrite it.
1. I've been studying hard so I expect passing the exam.
2.She suggested to study together that evening.
3. We arrenged to meet in the library.
4. My friends appeared finding the exam easy.
5. I was happy because I managed passing the exam with 90%.
6. Please promise not to cheat again!
7. You risk to fail if you don't start studying soon.
8. Have you ever considered to study another language? ​

za2ba2wa2 za2ba2wa2    2   17.09.2020 14:54    31

marina2770 marina2770  11.01.2024 12:21
1. I've been studying hard so I expect to pass the exam.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "expect" is followed by an infinitive form "to pass" to show the purpose of the expectation.

2.She suggested studying together that evening.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "suggest" is followed by a gerund form "studying" to indicate an action.

3. We arranged to meet in the library.
Explanation: The sentence is correct. The verb "arranged" is followed by an infinitive form "to meet" to express the purpose of the arrangement.

4. My friends appeared to find the exam easy.
Explanation: The sentence is correct. The verb "appeared" is followed by an infinitive form "to find" to show the purpose of the appearance.

5. I was happy because I managed to pass the exam with 90%.
Explanation: The sentence is correct. The verb "managed" is followed by an infinitive form "to pass" to indicate the achievement.

6. Please promise not to cheat again!
Explanation: The sentence is correct. The verb "promise" is followed by an infinitive form "not to cheat" to express the action that is being promised.

7. You risk failing if you don't start studying soon.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "risk" is followed by a gerund form "failing" to indicate the potential outcome of not starting studying soon.

8. Have you ever considered studying another language?
Explanation: The sentence is correct. The verb "considered" is followed by a gerund form "studying" to show the action being considered.
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