2. Boring b утомительный
3. Excited c увлекательный
4. Exciting d усталый
5. Interesting e взволнованный
6. Interested f скучный
7. tired g интересующийся
8. Tiring h скучающий
1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 5 6 7 8
2. Образуй как можно больше словосочетаний прилагательных с существительными из рамки. Некоторые существительные могут использоваться с разными прилагательными.
face voice child day work journey film holiday reader news
1. A tired face/
2. A tiring
3. A excited
4. An exciting
5. A boring
6. A bored
7. An interested
8. An interested
3. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives from ex.2. (В некоторых предложениях можно использовать по 2 прилагательных)
0. It was an exciting/interesting match.
1. We were happy but also very .
2. I’m sure our fans were not .
3. I think they were as as we were about our victory.
4. In fact, it was one of the most games of the year.
5. If you are really in sports, you like training.
4. Look at the picture on page 67 in your Student’s Book. Write what these children are doing and how they feel.
0.Nevita is playing basketball. She is interested.
1. Tanya
6. Robert

KondratevS200 KondratevS200    2   30.04.2020 12:46    42

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