Insert articles where necessary, paying particular attention to the nouns denot-ing meals. 1. Then they had ... breakfast. After ... breakfast Tom walked with Eden. 2. He watched his plate at ... dinner and at ... breakfast. 3. Perhaps six weeks after ... beginning of ... term Tom and Arthur were sitting at their work just before ... supper. 4. At ... supper there was much talk about ... match. 5. ... occasional lunch with ... "right" person was permissible. 6. She had ... lovely dinner. 7. ... lunch was laid on ... dining-room table when I came down. 8. Friday morning at ... breakfast I found ... five-dollar bill folded up in my napkin. 9. There was ... man at ... dinner whom I suppose you've never heard of, but who's quite ... celebrity in his way. 10. Then they had ... nice little breakfast in ... kitchen before returning to ... dining-room. 11. "Did you cast ... eye on ... stuff I sent over?"-"I didn't even have time to order ... breakfast," he said. 12. He wrapped himself in one of ... big rough white terrycloth bathrobes ... hotel supplied and went into ... living-room of ... suite and rang for ... breakfast. 13. ... owners were using ... "tea room" as ... dining-room, and they had ... orchestra, composed of ... long men, who played for ... dinner. 14. I had ... lunch one day in ... ancient fortress on ... side of ... mountain. You go up there on ... funicular. ... chef was doing his desperate best to serve ... fine lunch to ... "nice people". 15. They were in ... restaurant on ... old port in which Craig had seen Picasso at ... dinner.

flash2050p08smf flash2050p08smf    1   15.02.2021 00:45    27

vladus20012 vladus20012  24.01.2024 21:00
1. Then they had breakfast. After breakfast, Tom walked with Eden.
- There is no need for an article before "breakfast" because it is a general reference to the meal in general.

2. He watched his plate at dinner and at breakfast.
- The article "the" is used before "dinner" and "breakfast" because they refer to specific meals.

3. Perhaps six weeks after the beginning of the term, Tom and Arthur were sitting at their work just before supper.
- The article "the" is used before "beginning" because it refers to a specific point in time. The article "supper" is used because it refers to a specific meal that Tom and Arthur were sitting before.

4. At supper, there was much talk about the match.
- The article "supper" is used because it refers to a specific meal. The article "the" is not used before "match" because it is a general reference.

5. An occasional lunch with the "right" person was permissible.
- The article "an" is used before "occasional lunch" because it refers to a non-specific lunch. The article "the" is used before "right" person because it refers to a specific person.

6. She had a lovely dinner.
- The article "a" is used before "lovely dinner" because it refers to a non-specific dinner.

7. Lunch was laid on the dining-room table when I came down.
- The article "lunch" does not need an article because it is a general reference to the meal. The article "the" is used before "dining-room table" because it refers to a specific table.

8. Friday morning at breakfast, I found a five-dollar bill folded up in my napkin.
- The article "breakfast" does not need an article because it is a general reference to the meal. The article "a" is used before "five-dollar bill" because it refers to a non-specific bill. The article "my" is used before "napkin" because it refers to a specific napkin.

9. There was a man at dinner whom I suppose you've never heard of, but who's quite a celebrity in his way.
- The article "a" is used before "man" because it refers to a non-specific person. The article "dinner" does not need an article because it is a general reference to the meal. The article "the" is used before "term" because it refers to a specific term.

10. Then they had a nice little breakfast in the kitchen before returning to the dining-room.
- The article "a" is used before "nice little breakfast" because it refers to a non-specific breakfast. The article "the" is used before "kitchen" and "dining-room" because they refer to specific rooms.

11. "Did you cast an eye on the stuff I sent over?" - "I didn't even have time to order breakfast," he said.
- The article "an" is used before "eye" because it refers to a non-specific eye. The article "breakfast" does not need an article because it is a general reference to the meal.

12. He wrapped himself in one of the big rough white terrycloth bathrobes the hotel supplied and went into the living-room of the suite and rang for breakfast.
- The article "one of the" is used before "big rough white terrycloth bathrobes" because it refers to a non-specific robe. The article "the" is used before "hotel" because it refers to a specific hotel. The article "the" is not used before "living-room" because it refers to a general reference. The article "the" is used before "suite" because it refers to a specific suite. The article "a" is used before "breakfast" because it refers to a non-specific meal.

13. The owners were using the "tea room" as a dining-room, and they had an orchestra, composed of long men, who played for dinner.
- The article "the" is used before "owners" and "tea room" because they refer to specific owners and a specific room. The article "a" is used before "dining-room" because it refers to a non-specific room. The article "an" is used before "orchestra" because it refers to a non-specific orchestra.

14. I had lunch one day in an ancient fortress on the side of a mountain. You go up there on a funicular. The chef was doing his desperate best to serve a fine lunch to the "nice people".
- The article "a" is used before "lunch" because it refers to a non-specific meal. The article "an" is used before "ancient fortress" because it refers to a non-specific fortress. The article "a" is used before "mountain" because it refers to a non-specific mountain. The article "the" is used before "side" because it refers to a specific side. The article "a" is used before "funicular" because it refers to a non-specific funicular. The article "the" is used before "chef" because it refers to a specific chef. The article "a" is used before "fine lunch" because it refers to a non-specific lunch. The article "the" is used before "nice people" because it refers to a specific group of people.

15. They were in a restaurant on the old port in which Craig had seen Picasso at dinner.
- The article "a" is used before "restaurant" because it refers to a non-specific restaurant. The article "the" is used before "old port" because it refers to a specific port. The article "the" is not used before "dinner" because it is a general reference to the meal.
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