ИНФОРМАТИКА 8 КЛАСС 1. Which parts of the body should paid attention to use electronic devices properly?
2. What kind of activities should be done to prevent from negative effects of using electronic devices?
3. The smallest unit of information is called...
4. How is information stored in a computer?
5.Convert the following numbers from decimal to binary equivalents: 254 = , 112 = , 25 =
6. Convert the following numbers from binary to decimal equivalents: 100010 = 111010 = 100101 =
7. What is the encoding standard that computer uses to represent data?
8. Represent the following message in binary using ASCII: “Hello. I like to study ICT”
9. A computer transforms commands to computer language and vice versa. So it will transform next binary information into meaningful information for humans by using ASCII code. What will be the result? 1. 01001011 01000101 01000101 01010000 2. 01000101 01000001 01010010 01001110 3. 01001001 01001110 01000111
10. In ASCII each character is coded as a byte or bits .
11. What will be the size of the fi le, if it has a text “Computer Science” inside?
12. Represent “15 + 4 = 19” in binary number system.
13. A device that controls other parts of the computer. It works same as the human brain controls the body.
14. Describe how parts of a CPU such as ALU, CU, Cache run calculator programs on a computer.
15. CPU speed is measured in and .
16. Which types of network connection are used everyday?
17. IP address of your computer is The computer understands only the computer language. So convert the IP address from decimal to binary.
18. Describe the network connections in “Instagram” application. Say why this connection is important for users.
19. What is the measurement of a network bandwidth?
20. Calculate the download speed if it takes 28 minutes to download 200 MB file?
21. You are sending a message to your friend using Internet. You want to attach a 15 MB file. Your download speed is 5 Mb/s and upload speed is 3 Mb/s. How much will it take tosend this mail?
22. You are calling your friend by Skype or Facetime. Quality of image and voice signal is poor. Which of the following factors can cause this problem? Why? (Bandwidth/Latency/Delay)
23. List common cyber attacks to a computer.
24. If you can download a 3 MB song in 3 seconds, how muchtime do you need to download a 1.5 GB movie using the same connection?
25. How is it possible to protect devices from cyber attacks? What common ways can we use?
26. What viruses in biology and informatics have in common? What are their differences?
27. Relate to Baurzhan Momyshuly’s quote, how does it relate to the topic of Software Licensing?
28. Fill in the blanks. A computer Virus can: your private information. your files, so you cannot find them. your computer.
29. Which type of attacks is more dangerous for popular websites such as kaspi.kz, egov.kz, kundelik.kz?
30. Match the following ways of network connections with its descriptions:

MashaTears1 MashaTears1    1   02.11.2020 07:04    71

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