"Star Princess and Forces of Evil" is an American animated television series created by the Disney Television Animation studio. The premiere took place on January 18, 2015 on the Disney Channel and March 30, 2015 on Disney XD. On the Russian Disney Channel, the premiere took place on September 5, 2016. On March 4, 2016, the series was extended for the third season [1], and on February 28, 2017 it was extended for the fourth season [2]. Princess of the magical dimension of Mune (in some translations - Meuni) The star Butterfly at the age of 14 receives a magic wand from his mother by inheritance. Parents send her to Earth, where she finds a new friend - Marco Diaz. But Ludo and his team of monsters does not stop the princess's journey into another dimension. Therefore, the princess and her karate friend, Marco, have to constantly fight monsters. In addition, she will face problems in school and the development of a new dimension, as well as Toffi.
Princess of the magical dimension of Mune (in some translations - Meuni) The star Butterfly at the age of 14 receives a magic wand from his mother by inheritance. Parents send her to Earth, where she finds a new friend - Marco Diaz. But Ludo and his team of monsters does not stop the princess's journey into another dimension. Therefore, the princess and her karate friend, Marco, have to constantly fight monsters. In addition, she will face problems in school and the development of a new dimension, as well as Toffi.