INFINITIVE AND ITS FUNCTIONS 1. Определите залогово-временные формы инфинитива и переведите предложения.
1. Hе asked the student to define the unit of resistance more accurately. 2. She got a list of the books to be read. 3. The assistant came to be instructed by the professor. 4. To launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed. 5. The student wanted to be examined as soon as possible. 6. I am sorry to be asking you. 7. Experiments have shown that the amount of work to be used for producing a given amount of heat is the same under all conditions. 8. They were happy to have been sent to the international conference. 9. The engineers are glad to have obtained such good results. 10. We supposed the plan to have been explained to you long ago. 11. The letter may have been sent to a wrong address.
2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива в функции подлежащего и обстоятельства цели.
1. To change heat directly into electrical energy we must take two wires of dissimilar metals. 2. To change heat directly into electrical energy is not difficult. 3. To prove any statement it is necessary to make experiments and observations. 4. To prove any statement is a very difficult task. 5. To protect personnel from radiation is a very important task. 6. To protect personnel from radiation nuclear reactors are shielded with concrete walls. 7. Тo prolong this discussion is to waste time. 8. To complete a journey round the sun requires nearly 30 years. 9. To complete this experiment he spent much time in the laboratory.
3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание инфинитив в функции составного именного или модального сказуемого.
1. We were to maintain a flow of that liquid in the pipe. 2. Our duty is to defend our country. 3. That assistant was to compare the resistance of the two conductors. 4. We are to control the speed of these particles. 5. He is to demonstrate the results of his experiments next Monday. 6. His aim is to demonstrate the results of his experiment. 7. The only method to solve the problem is to make some experiments.
4. Перефразируйте словосочетания, чтобы получить инфинитив в функции определения.
the questions, which will be discussed => the questions to be discussed
1. the reports which will be given 2. the choice which should be made 3. the conditions which must be met 4. the works which will be cited here 5. the point which should be stressed 6. the gap which must be filled 7. the controversy which must be resolved 8. the difficulties which must be overcome 9. the conference which is to be held in June 10.the phenomena which will be described
5. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения
1. The devices to be used in this experiment will be very effective. 2. The power station to be built here will be the largest in Europe. 3. There were many questions to be answered in this field of science. 4. The results to be obtained from the experiment will give an answer to this question. 5. The methods to be described were used at our laboratory. 6. He was the last to answer the teacher's question. 7. Galileo was the first to observe sun spots with the Optic Tube in 1609. 8. The expedition to explore that region consisted of 20 men. 9. I was the first to apply this method.

zokaa112 zokaa112    2   22.11.2020 21:50    115

ivanivanlushch ivanivanlushch  22.11.2020 22:00




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