In today's world more and more teens tend to work while going to school. Nevertheless, this is not as easy as it seems to be. Despite the advantages there are several disadvantages of working part-time while trying to complete an education.
There is no doubt that part-time work can be beneficial. To begin with, part-time jobs can be great as teens have more financial independence. For example, they can buy their own clothes, electronic equipment and entertainment without having to ask their parents for money. What is more, it helps their self confidence and gives them terrific work experience.
On the other hand, there are drawbacks to working while trying to finish secondary school. One drawback is that work, study and play can be too much for some teens to handle. All the stress and tiredness may affect their health. Also, their grades might suffer because they have little time to study. Teens must also bear in mind that they are young and need time to hang out with friends.
All in all, studying while working part-time is probably one of the hardest things a teenager will ever do. But, in my opinion, an after-school job can be beneficial as long as the teenager does not work too many hours and learns to balance their free time and study time well.

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polinasparrow polinasparrow    2   16.04.2020 19:11    5

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