In this picture i am happy! look, i (0) am visiting the famous chocolate museum. ( это был образец) it’s wonderful! i (1) see a lot of chocolate. it’s (2) of chocolate! they (3) a lot of chocolate. every day. they (4) chocolate for 200 years. we (5) how they (6) chocolate. look, i (8) to eat chocolate every day. we came here in the morning and since this morning i (9) at cadbury world for 3 hours. what are you doing now? i hope to hear (10) soon. do you (11) that i asked you not to celebrate our class holiday without me? pleas don’t forget! слова которые надо вставлять. 1.a. am seeing b. have seen с. see 2.a. a festival b. a souvenir c. an idea 3.a. are making b. make c. have made 4.a. have made b. make c. are making 5.a. watch b. are watching c. have watched 6.a. make b. are making c. have made 7.a. am eating b. eat c. have eaten 8.a. am wanting b. have wanted c. want 9.а. was b. have been c. am 10.а. some music b. from you c. hello 11.а.know b. think c. remember

жека569 жека569    2   19.06.2019 15:40    7

Egor456803 Egor456803  15.07.2020 20:20
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. b
7. Возможно, Вы забыли написать его
8. с
9. b
10. b
11. c
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